conscious release

Happy new moon in Pisces love.

I don't know about you, but this last month has been a major month for me 💥

A lot of things coming to the light very quickly 💡 getting honest with myself about what is unconsciously weighing me down or needing to be released, speaking my truth, closing chapters, making space for what's next and really leaning into surrender and deep trust 🙌

Things are moving quickly right now. We can either choose to buckle up and ride the wave fully or resist and struggle as we hold on to what is now behind us.

Last week, on our March Sacred Strategy call inside of Sacred CEO, we dove into these topics and the shifts our community are experiencing have been so powerful.

This cycle is all about conscious release. If you're wanting some support in this process, I am sharing a clip from our Sacred CEO call below where I walk you through a meditation, story time and journaling prompts to get honest with yourself, see what's been weighing you down, what you're ready to release, how you can speak your truth, and find more freedom in your life.

Get really honest with yourself.

  • Are there any areas where I’ve been holding myself back or not being honest with myself that I am now ready to see?

  • Am I currently carrying anything that is weighing me down? Resentment? Hurt? Frustration? Anger?

  • Are there any people in my life that I need to have honest communication with? What do I need to say to honor myself?

  • What do I need to do to forgive myself or others so I can liberate myself from carrying this weight?

Bonus journaling prompts:

  • Where do I feel my inner yes and my inner no in my systems?

  • What is the thing I’m still holding onto? Even though I know I should let go… even though I know it’s over… even if I’ve tried releasing it before…

  • How can I consciously begin to let go of that thing?

  • What patterns need to be shifted or dissolved for me to be ready to step into my most sovereign self?

  • What big, out of this world, dreams or visions are me calling in?
